UPR Pittsburgh

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2019 Universal Periodic Review (UPR) Pittsburgh

In 2019-2020, the United States participated in a comprehensive human rights assessment through the United Nation’s Universal Periodic Review (UPR) process. Pittsburgh human rights advocates collaborated with other Human Rights Cities to provide documentation and recommendations for this review of the US human rights record (See: UPR Cities Project). As part of this work, local advocates produced and submitted to the UN a UPR report on the state of human rights in Pittsburgh.

The analyses and recommendations contained in this report help to promote public awareness and policy responses to our regional human rights conditions and to build political will — i.e., a broad-based political constituency that is vocal and active in support and defense of human rights for all residents. A key goal of the UPR Cities initiative is movement-building to build the political will, skills, and collective momentum to carry out these recommendations and re-orient our community so that human rights are the top priority— not a by-product of economic growth and conventional “development.” We want UPR Report to support the ongoing work by community and grassroots organizations and to broaden our networks of mutual support and cooperation for human rights.

2019 Pittsburgh UPR Task Force

  • Alliance for Police Accountability
  • Casa San Jose
  • Green Party of Allegheny County
  • Hill District Consensus Group
  • Pittsburgh for CEDAW
  • Pittsburgh Human Rights City Alliance
  • Just Harvest
  • City of Pittsburgh Human Relations Commission & Gender Equity Commission
  • Urbankind Institute
  • Others

Media Release: Pittsburgh Youth and Community Leaders Travel to Washington DC to Make an “Appeal to the World” for Human Rights February 27, 2020

Submissions to the United Nations

Community Forum Series

The UPR Pittsburgh coalition has organized a series of community forums to help inform our submission to the United Nations and to help us build community engagement around a local human rights report which we will deliver to City and County officials alongside the UN UPR process, which is now scheduled to meet in Geneva for the formal review of the U.S. government in November 2020.

  • Pittsburgh community groups are engaged in a parallel process of reviewing local compliance with international human rights expectations and generating recommendations for how we can better realize all aspects of human rights for all residents, especially those who are most vulnerable and historically marginalized. Below is a list of planned and previous community forums.

Upcoming Forums Learning from COVID-19: Shaping a Health and Human Rights Agenda for our Region. Alternate Thursdays 4:00-5:30PM (Online) April 30, May 14, May 28, June 11.

Previous Forums:

  • August, 2019: Immigrant and Refugee Rights
  • September, 2019: Housing as a human right
  • October, 2019: The Human Right to Food
  • November, 2019: Health as a Human Right
  • December, 2019: Human rights and decent work
  • January 25, 2020: Pittsburgh Racial Justice Summit Session: "Bringing Reparations Claims to the United Nations/World Court of Human Rights" (See Reparations Resource Guide)

UPR Lobby Delegation to Washington DC: February 2020 Casa San José made it possible for us to send a delegation to Washington DC to bring the messages about human rights conditions in our region to embassy representatives advising their governments about the upcoming UN human rights assessment of the United States. Most of our delegation were young people, including two high school students from Casa San José. Pittsburghers for Public Transit, Hill District Consensus Group, Pgh for CEDAW, and the Peoples Campaign for Reparations and Black Self-Determination also sent representatives. The delegates we met were keenly interested in learning about conditions on the ground, and they were also excited to learn of our work to organize nationally around the UPR process. We put forward suggestions for recommendations we hope they will emphasize in the US report, which we can then use as tools for our advocacy.

Next Steps: Pittsburgh Joins National Lobby Days

The 2019-2020 United Nations Review of the United States human rights record provides an important opportunity for us to build support for more people-centered national and local policies. Organizers in Pittsburgh and in cities and communities across the U.S. have submitted our report to the UN on the human rights challenges faced by cities around the country. Our next step is to send delegations of grassroots human rights defenders to lobby UN officials in New York, Washington DC, and Geneva to bring our human rights priorities and recommendations into the official proceedings of the US Universal Periodic Review. We need you to help support this delegation with your donation!

Please help us build on the powerful work of grassroots human rights activists and help us show the international community that despite the actions of the Trump Administration, US residents believe in human rights and are working hard to “bring them home!” We know from past work that grassroots organizers can have a powerful impact on the thinking of international officials, and the experience of seeing the United Nations in action can help our movements develop creative ideas for using these mechanisms to build power. Please make a contribution to support Pittsburgh’s delegation. Working together, we can amplify our voices in the global conversation about how we can improve human rights conditions for more of the world’s people.

Pittsburgh News

NEWS: Cross-City and Global Initiative for Human Rights Cities

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