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</div><span style="display: block; font-family: Impact,Charcoal,sans-serif; font-size: 150%; text-align: center">Pittsburgh Human Rights City Alliance<span style="display: block; text-align: center">Dignity & Justice for All of us</span></span><span style="display: block; font-family: Impact,Charcoal,sans-serif; font-size: 150%; text-align: center">''<span style="display: block; text-align: center">"Human rights don't trickle down...they RISE UP!"</span>''<br /> </span>
</div><span style="display: block; font-family: Impact,Charcoal,sans-serif; font-size: 150%; text-align: center">Pittsburgh Human Rights City Alliance<span style="display: block; text-align: center">Dignity & Justice for All of Us</span></span><span style="display: block; font-family: Impact,Charcoal,sans-serif; font-size: 150%; text-align: center">''<span style="display: block; text-align: center">"Human rights don't trickle down...they RISE UP!"</span>''<br /> </span>
<big><big>[https://theglobalswitchboard.org/support/ '''Donate'''] to support human rights! </big></big>
<div style="text-align: center">'''''Racism is a Health Emergency! And [[Health & Housing are Human Rights]]!'''''<br />
=About Us=
<div style="text-align: left">
'''Pittsburgh Human Rights City Alliance''' is a grassroots network of individuals and groups committed to advancing and protecting human rights for all people in our region. We work to create a culture of human rights by building and supporting broad coalitions advocating for human rights, fostering human rights learning, and promoting policies that help all people to live with dignity and justice. 
<div style="text-align: left">
We work to bring together diverse groups and individuals to encourage the realization of our City Council's 2011 [https://pittsburgh.legistar.com/LegislationDetail.aspx?ID=874003&GUID=EB31A893-F2F4-41DC-94FB-DAF1CB2DB0A2&Options=&Search= Proclamation declaring Pittsburgh a "human rights city"]. We strive to foster a human rights culture that maximizes human rights and dignity for all people who live in our region. We help network leading community organizations and concerned residents to advance [https://www.ajamubaraka.com/peoplecentered-human-rights-as-a-framework-for-social-transformation ''people-centered human rights''] in Pittsburgh.''
'''Pittsburgh Human Rights City Alliance''' works to bring together diverse groups and individuals to help envision and work towards a city that maximizes human rights and dignity for all people who live in our region [http://wiki.pghrights.mayfirst.org/images/6/6a/Human_Rights_City_Principles_October_2017.pdf (See Human Rights Cities Principles)]. We help network leading community organizations and concerned residents to support local efforts to realize [https://www.ajamubaraka.com/peoplecentered-human-rights-as-a-framework-for-social-transformation ''people-centered human rights''] in Pittsburgh.'' We cannot wait for leaders in Washington to protect our basic rights! It takes engaged and creative efforts of community residents to "bring human rights home"! Our work is guided by the leadership of our [http://wiki.pghrights.mayfirst.org/index.php?title=Steering_Committee Human Rights City Alliance Steering Committee].
<br />  
<br />  
*[[About the Pittsburgh Human Rights City Alliance]]  
*[[Coordinating Committee]]
**[http://wiki.pghrights.mayfirst.org/index.php?title=Steering_Committee Pittsburgh Human Rights City Alliance Steering Committee]
*[http://wiki.pghrights.mayfirst.org/index.php?title=Steering_Committee Advisory Board]
=='''Get involved'''==
*[[About the Pittsburgh Human Rights City Alliance]]
* <big>'''[https://lists.mayfirst.org/mailman/listinfo/pghrights Join the Human Rights City Alliance email list for updates on events & action opportunities]'''</big>
*[http://wiki.pghrights.mayfirst.org/images/6/6a/Human_Rights_City_Principles_October_2017.pdf Human Rights Cities Principles]
*'''Human Rights Student Network'''—Students from area universities and high/middle schools are all welcome! For more information or to get involved, please contact us at pghrights[at]riseup.net.
*[http://wiki.pghrights.mayfirst.org/images/b/b7/The_Human_Rights_Cities_Movement_Introduction.pdf Introduction to the Human Rights Cities Movement]
*[https://wiki.humanrightscities.mayfirst.org/index.php?title=Resources_for_starting_a_Human_Rights_City_initiative_near_you Resources for starting a Human Rights City initiative near you]
=='''Current Projects'''==
=Ways to Get Involved=  
*'''[http://wiki.pghrights.mayfirst.org/index.php?title=Pittsburgh_Human_Rights_Housing_Strategy Building Pittsburgh's Human Rights Housing Strategy]'''
:'''[https://lists.mayfirst.org/mailman/listinfo/pghrights Subscribe to our newsletter]'''for updates on events & action opportunities!
:'''[[University Human Rights Working Group]]''': Faculty members, staff and graduate students can [https://lists.mayfirst.org/mailman/listinfo/pghrights_university '''subscribe here'''].  
:Follow us on [https://www.facebook.com/groups/pghrights '''Facebook'''] and [https://www.instagram.com/pghrights/ '''Instagram''']
*'''Realizing Racial Equity in Pittsburgh'''- ''We're working with national and global human rights networks to engage United Nations and other global resources as we tackle systemic racism.''
<big>'''Join a Working Group'''</big><br>--Working groups meet regularly to develop projects on specific issues. Everyone is welcome to attend & learn about local human rights issues and find ways to get involved! Current working groups include: <br>
:*2022-[https://www.ohchr.org/en/instruments-mechanisms/instruments/international-convention-elimination-all-forms-racial U.S. policies reviewed by International Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination] -As a party to the global [https://www.ohchr.org/en/instruments-mechanisms/instruments/international-convention-elimination-all-forms-racial Convention on the Elimination of all forms of Racial Discrimination] (CERD), the U.S. must report on its efforts to address racial disparities.
::*[[Housing Rights]]
::*See the Shadow Report Pittsburgh advocates submitted to the United Nations CERD Committee, [https://tbinternet.ohchr.org/_layouts/15/treatybodyexternal/Download.aspx?symbolno=INT%2fCERD%2fNGO%2fUSA%2f49212&Lang=en ''Racial Discrimination & Equity in the United States: Evidence from Pittsburgh''] ([http://wiki.pghrights.mayfirst.org/images/4/44/CERD_Pittsburgh_2_Page_Summary_2022.pdf '''2-page Report summary'''])
::*[[Community Safety & Policing]]
::*[[Communications, Education and Outreach]]
::*[[Policy, Legislation, & Governance (PLuG)]]
:'''For more information, meeting times and links,''' please contact Maddy McGrady at madeline@theglobalswitchboard.org
*'''Shaping Mayor Gainey's Leadership Agenda'''- We are working to discuss ideas and build community support for initiatives that would advance equity and human rights in our city and help us realize the promise of the City's 2011 Human Rights City Proclamation.
<big>[https://theglobalswitchboard.org/support/ '''Donate''']</big>
:*'''Open Letter: [http://wiki.pghrights.mayfirst.org/images/3/31/Gainey_Transition_Report_Response_Final.pdf Bringing a Human Rights Perspective to Mayor Gainey’s Transition Report 2022]
::''This message follows up our earlier [http://wiki.pghrights.mayfirst.org/images/7/7c/Human_Rights_Day_2021_Gainey_Letter.pdf message to then Mayor-Elect Gainey on International Human Rights Day 2021] (Dec. 10)'', where we reminded him of our status as a human rights city and the prior commitments made by city officials to advance racial and gender equity and human rights.
''For more information and opportunities to get involved, please contact us'' at pghrights[at]riseup.net.
Don't have time to volunteer? You can still support our work to bring human rights home by [https://theglobalswitchboard.org/support/ '''making a donation'''] via our fiscal sponsor, The Global Switchboard. Simply select "Human Rights City Alliance" as the beneficiary.
<big>'''Using the Human Rights Framework for Racial Justice: ''A Conversation with Justin Hansford''''</big>'--'''Friday November 18, 2022, 12:00-1:30PM''' Frick Fine Arts Auditorium, University of Pittsburgh, and online at: ([https://www.facebook.com/1HoodMedia Facebook.com/1HoodMedia]  and [https://www.youtube.com/1HoodMedia Youtube.com/1HoodMedia]).
*<big>'''Intercollegiate Student Housing Coalition Meeting,'''</big> '''Wednesday, January 22, 2025, 6:00PM-7:30PM'''
:After Michael Brown’s murder in Ferguson, Missouri, Justin Hansford helped Brown family members bring their appeal for justice to the United Nations [https://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=2598743 See ''Ferguson to Geneva'']. This conversation brings together Black community leaders, advocates, and educators to discuss this effort and understand how Professor Hansford views social movements and the law means of social transformation. Justin Hansford is Professor of Law at Howard University, Executive Director of the Thurgood Marshall Civil Rights Center, and representative to the new United Nations Permanent Forum of People of African Descent (UNPFPAD). Hansford is a co-author of the forthcoming Seventh Edition of Race, Racism and American Law, and his [https://www.theroot.com/black-history-matters-why-president-obama-should-pardo-1791353849 legal scholarship informs his work to win a posthumous pardon for Marcus Garvey]. Professor Hansford’s visit to Pittsburgh is part of a “listening tour” he is making in preparation for the inaugural meeting of the UNPFPAD in early December.  '''[http://wiki.pghrights.mayfirst.org/images/8/80/Using_the_Human_Rights_Framework_flyer.pdf (Download PDF)] [http://wiki.pghrights.mayfirst.org/index.php?title=File:Hansford_Friday_Nov_18_Panel_Flier.png  (Download *.PNG version)] '''
:As a follow up to our November student housing and tenant rights workshop, students across campuses are invited to convene for our first Intercollegiate Student Housing Coalition meeting. Learn how students can collaborate to advocate for housing as a human right as part of the Pittsburgh Housing Justice Table. For more information, contact madeline@theglobalswitchboard.org.
*<big>'''Housing Rights Working Group Meeting''',</big> '''Tuesday, January 28, 6:00-7:00PM on Zoom''' (Email madeline@theglobalswitchboard.org for the Zoom link)
:All are welcome to get involved in planning the April Fair Housing Summit!
*<big>'''WEBINAR: How Cities Can Defend Human Rights in the Face of Mass Deportation,'''</big> '''Wednesday, January 29, 2025, 3:00PM EST''' '''*[https://occidental.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_T7FJslcXTlagPW3CAxVfWA Register Here]'''
:The incoming presidential administration has promised to begin mass deportations and other harsh immigration enforcement measures “on day one.This webinar will help prepare us, as local officials, community leaders, and neighbors, to understand and respond effectively in defense of the human rights of non-citizens in our communities. The panelists will pay special attention to what those of us who are not lawyers, or who don’t have much experience with immigration policy, can do. The specter of detention camps, family separation, the militarization of the border, and the summary denial of persecution and torture claims is real and terrifying. But there are proven measures that we can take to blunt, challenge, and ultimately overturn such policies, and cities will play a critical role in this effort. The first step is to get informed and organized.
:'''Panelists''': '''Mary Meg McCarty''', ''Executive Director, [https://immigrantjustice.org/ National Immigrant Justice Center]''; '''Bettina Rodriguez Schlegel''', ''Chief of Staff, [https://acaciajustice.org/ Acacia Center for Justice]''; '''Ev Meade''', ''Director, [https://www.procesopacifico.org/ Proceso Pacifico] & Steering Committee Member, [https://humanrightscities.wixsite.com/hrca/about Human Rights Cities Alliance]''
<big>'''Taking Back our Human Rights: Shaping Black Pittsburgh’s Appeal to the World'''</big>--'''Saturday November 19, 2022, 11:00AM-2:00PM''' at Obama Academy (Peabody), 515 N Highland Ave, Pittsburgh, PA 15206  [https://www.eventbrite.com/e/our-human-rights-shaping-black-pittsburghs-appeal-to-the-world-tickets-456989898087 Click here to register]
*<big>'''Pittsburgh Fair Housing Summit,'''</big> Saturday, April 5, 2025, 9:00AM - 3:30PM, University of Pittsburgh Frick Fine Arts Building
:In 1947 Black Americans made An Appeal to the World, bringing the first human rights claims to the newly formed United Nations. Today the need for such an appeal remains urgent, yet the Black Lives Matter and related movements have opened new possibilities for using global human rights to undo systemic racism. Last August, the UN created the Permanent Forum of People of African Descent (PFPAD), as an advisory body and "consultative mechanism for people of African descent and other relevant stakeholders as a platform for improving the safety and quality of life and livelihoods of people of African descent.” Justin Hansford, professor of Law at Howard University is a member of the PFPAD, and he is coming to Pittsburgh to listen and learn from us as he prepares for the inaugural meeting of the PFPAD in December. Black residents from Pittsburgh and the surrounding region are invited to be part of this process of assembling our stories and our visions for change as we craft our own “appeal to the world” to support us in transforming our communities so that we all can thrive. In addition to linking us with this global conversation, this forum will shape a regional project of movement-building and advocacy for the world we all need. [https://www.eventbrite.com/e/our-human-rights-shaping-black-pittsburghs-appeal-to-the-world-tickets-456989898087 Click here to register]
:Pittsburgh area residents and others are invited to learn about what’s driving rising housing prices in our communities, how tenants can defend their rights and improve conditions, and how community activists and organizations and elected officials are working to bring new solutions to the deepening crisis of housing insecurity. Although housing is a human right protected under both national and international law, governments haven’t done enough to guarantee all people–especially the most vulnerable– a right to a safe and secure home. We believe that a better city is possible. Be part of the work to realize a city where everyone can enjoy safe, stable and affordable housing.
:'''Organizing Committee''': ''UrbanKind Institute, Hill District Consensus Group, Gwen's Girls/Black Girls Equity Alliance, 1HoodMedia, Alliance for Police Accountability, Pittsburgh Black Equity Coalition, New Voices for Reproductive Justice, Pittsburgh Commission on Human Relations, Human Rights City Alliance, 1Hood Media, Black Women's Policy Center, Center for Family Excellence, The Global Switchboard and All for All, Penn Plaza Support and Action Coalition, Pittsburgh Black Equity Coalition, Pittsburgh Public Schools-Equity. Pitt Schools of Health Sciences Office of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion, University Human Rights Working Group, West End POWER''
*[https://www.eventbrite.com/e/our-human-rights-shaping-black-pittsburghs-appeal-to-the-world-tickets-456989898087 Click here to register]
==Latest Updates==
:'''Keynote speaker'''[https://tracyrosenthal.com/ Tracy Rosenthal], co-founder, Los Angeles Tenants Union & co-author of Abolish Rent: How Tenants can end the Housing Crisis (Haymarket Books)
'''An Appeal to the World: Pittsburgh Advocates file report to UN Committee reviewing racial discrimination in the U.S.'''''
*'''[http://wiki.humanrightscities.mayfirst.org/images/5/5f/CERD_Report_Pittsburgh_2022_Community_outreach_version.pdf Racial Discrimination & Equity in the United States: Evidence from Pittsburgh]'''-''Report to United Nations Review of U.S. compliance with the Convention on the Elimination of all forms of Racial Discrimination (CERD)'' ''This report draws from documentation compiled by Pittsburgh advocates, city officials, researchers, and news reporters to demonstrate where improvements are needed in efforts to implement the Convention on the Elimination of all forms of Racial Discrimination in the United States. This report is part of the official international review of U.S. compliance with its treaty obligations.''
*'''[http://wiki.humanrightscities.mayfirst.org/images/e/ed/Cities_CERD_Report_2022_Outreach_Version.pdf A Cross-City Report on Obstacles to U.S. Implementation of the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination & how Human Rights Cities Can be a Remedy]''' ''-This report combines insights from Pittsburgh with those from other cities, arguing for changes in federal policies to improve local compliance with U.S. obligations under the International Convention on the Elimination of all forms of Racial Discrimination (ICERD).''
*'''OPEN LETTER: [http://wiki.pghrights.mayfirst.org/images/3/31/Gainey_Transition_Report_Response_Final.pdf Bringing a Human Rights Perspective to Mayor Gainey’s Transition Report 2022]
*'''International Human Rights Day 2021 (Dec. 10)''': See our [http://wiki.pghrights.mayfirst.org/images/7/7c/Human_Rights_Day_2021_Gainey_Letter.pdf Open letter to Mayor-Elect Gainey]
===Latest Housing Rights News===
:'''Co-sponsors''': [https://pittsburghunited.org/housing/ Pittsburgh Housing Justice Table], Pittsburgh Human Rights City Alliance, [https://www.pittsburghpa.gov/City-Government/Boards-Authorities-Commissions/List-of-Boards-Authorities-Commissions/Commission-on-Human-Relations City of Pittsburgh Commission on Human Relations], [https://theglobalswitchboard.org/ The Global Switchboard]
*'''Community [https://secure.everyaction.com/ymOliRNNIkKlrrqVBDdOkQ2 petition campaign to Protect Inclusionary Zoning & Demand Affordable Housing for All!]''' ''In response to Pittsburgh’s chronic affordable housing crisis, the City Council recently passed a modest inclusionary zoning ordinance to require developers to designate at least 10% of units in developments of 20 or more units as affordable for low-income residents. The Builders Association of Metropolitan Pittsburgh (BAMP)—a special interest group made up of corporate developers—has sued the city to prevent the implementation of the ordinance, and community partners are working to fight this move as we defend the rights of all residents to affordable, safe and secure housing.'' '''Please sign the petition! here https://secure.everyaction.com/ymOliRNNIkKlrrqVBDdOkQ2]''' '''''and help spread the word!'''''
:*'''Councilpersons Gross, Kail-Smith introduce legislation to back housing cooperatives''' --See this [http://wiki.pghrights.mayfirst.org/images/9/9a/Letter_to_Councilpersons_Gross_Kail_Smith_Housing_cooperatives_May_2022.pdf letter of support from folks in our Human Rights City network.]
*'''Global housing leader visits Pittsburgh''': In April 2022, Pittsburgh welcomed global housing expert, former [https://www.ohchr.org/en/issues/housing/pages/housingindex.aspx UN Special Rapporteur on the Human Right to Adequate Housing], Leilani Farha to meet with city officials, housing advocates, students and other residents. We compiled [http://wiki.pghrights.mayfirst.org/images/b/b6/Farha_visit_follow_up_recap.pdf this report on the visit], highlighting insights and recommendations from our discussions with Ms. Farha, who now leads global housing rights organization, [https://make-the-shift.org/ The Shift]. Here you’ll also find helpful links to learning resources and legal tools to help advance housing as a human right. ([http://wiki.pghrights.mayfirst.org/images/b/b6/Farha_visit_follow_up_recap.pdf Download report PDF])
:*'''[https://pushbacktalks.buzzsprout.com/1189295/10424102-palestine-and-the-heartache-of-an-advocate From Palestine to Pittsburgh--#Pushbacktalks Podcasts: April 20, 2022 Palestine and the Heartache of an Advocate]'''-''In her regular podcast, Leilani Farha reflects on her recent travel that took her from Palestine to Pittsburgh, considering lessons about people and our connections to the land.''
'''Recent Events & Actions'''
*'''International Human Rights Day 2024''' Our annual Human Rights Day press conference was successful, and we helped set the stage for city leaders from the Mayor’s office and Council to speak to the importance of our shared work to defend human rights in our city. The Human Rights City Alliance was presented with a '''[http://wiki.pghrights.mayfirst.org/images/5/50/International_Human_Rights_Day_Proclamation_%28Mayor%27s_Office%29.jpeg Proclamation]''' from the Mayor’s office reinforcing the City’s commitment to "respect, protect and fulfill human rights and to promote a culture of human rights in our city."
::* [https://www.wtae.com/article/human-rights-day-pittsburgh/63147530 City of Pittsburgh leaders and organizations recognize Human Rights Day] WTAE, Channel 4 Pittsburgh, December 10, 2024
::*[http://wiki.pghrights.mayfirst.org/images/1/12/2024_HR_Day_Press_Release.pdf Press Release]
'''Recent Actions'''
=Current Work=
*'''During the week of April 4-7, 2022, the former [https://www.ohchr.org/en/issues/housing/pages/housingindex.aspx UN Special Rapporteur on the Human Right to Adequate Housing], Leilani Farha visited Pittsburgh.''' We compiled [http://wiki.pghrights.mayfirst.org/images/b/b6/Farha_visit_follow_up_recap.pdf this report] on the visit, highlighting insights and recommendations from our discussions with Ms. Farha, who now leads global housing rights organization, [https://make-the-shift.org/ The Shift]. Here you’ll also find helpful links to learning resources and legal tools to help us advance housing as a human right. [http://wiki.pghrights.mayfirst.org/images/b/b6/Farha_visit_follow_up_recap.pdf (Download report PDF)]
The Human Rights City Alliance helps build alliances among individuals and groups in our area supporting human rights for all. We support local engagement in national and international human rights advocacy, and participate in UN human rights reviews of U.S. policies.  
<big>'''[http://wiki.pghrights.mayfirst.org/index.php?title=UPR_Pittsburgh#2024-2025_Universal_Periodic_Review_.28UPR.29_Pittsburgh Universal Periodic Review 2025]'''</big>
====Other meetings==== [MOST NOW ONLINE DUE TO COVID19]
:We are currently involved in the '''[https://www.ohchr.org/en/hr-bodies/upr/upr-home United Nations Universal Periodic Review of the U.S. government]''' and will be hosting a series of related community forums. See our [[Reports to UN Human Rights Bodies]], submitted as part of the global work to improve compliance with international human rights law.
*'''[https://pittsburghpa.gov/gec/index.html Pittsburgh's Gender Equity Commission]''' Monthly public meetings-3rd Tuesdays each month, 2:30-4:30PM [in the City-County building 414 Grant St., downtown Pittsburgh] [https://pittsburghpa.us17.list-manage.com/subscribe?u=2d1cea9d28ec87304eaf0e825&id=f2fbc5dba8 Subscribe to Gender Commission newsletter]
*'''[https://campaign4reparationsandselfdetermination.wordpress.com/ Peoples Campaign for Reparations and Black Self-Determination]'''- Is hosting a series of community forums on this theme to help organize and build a Reparations Commission for Black residents of Pittsburgh. For more information visit [https://campaign4reparationsandselfdetermination.wordpress.com/  campaign4reparationsandselfdetermination.wordpress.com/]
*'''[https://www.pittsburghforpublictransit.org/ Pittsburghers for Public Transit]''' second Wednesday of each month [at 7pm at 1 Smithfield Street (Pittsburgh Human Services Building) downtown].
*'''[https://pennplaza.wordpress.com/ Penn Plaza Support and Action Coalition]''' every Monday, 6:00PM, Location [115 Beatty St. East Liberty]
*'''[https://www.facebook.com/PghLandlessPeople/ Pittsburgh Union of Regional Renters]''', (412) 908-1603.
===Human Rights & Anti-Racism Organizing===
'''Working Groups'''
'''Historical Truth-Telling: Key to Human Rights & Racial Healing Today''':''Building a human rights city requires efforts to remedy past injustices and ensure that all residents have equitable opportunities to thrive. The [https://www.un.org/en/events/africandescentdecade/ International Decade on People of African Descent (2015-2024)] and the [http://www.400yearsofinequality.org/ 400th anniversary of the first auction of enslaved Africans in North America] provides an opportunity for renewing conversations about how we can address persistent inequities resulting from the United States's brutal history of slavery and genocide against people of African descent and indigenous peoples.''
Our current working groups focus on the following issue areas, and they are shaped by efforts of volunteers like you!
*'''[[Reparations Resource Guide]]'''
<big>'''Housing Rights & Justice'''</big><br>
*'''*The World is Watching! Global movements support human rights and anti-racism in the U.S.'''
:*[https://ushrnetwork.org/uploads/images/sliders/Final%20adopted%20resolution%206.19.20.pdf?emci=9b4ca895-48b2-ea11-9b05-00155d039e74&emdi=1e7859ab-4bb2-ea11-9b05-00155d039e74&ceid=6687194 UN Human Rights Council Strongly Condemns US Racial Violence]: The United Nations responded to a call from Family members of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, Michael Brown, and Philando Castile to take action in response to racially-motivated violence in the U.S., in an unprecedented Urgent Debate in the UN Human Rights Council June 19.
:*'''Study shows [https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2020/jun/22/us-police-human-rights-standards-report US police fail to meet basic human rights standards]'''. Not one police department in the 20 largest American cities are compliant with international rights laws [https://chicagounbound.uchicago.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1014&context=ihrc study from the University of Chicago] has found.
:* '''[http://wiki.pghrights.mayfirst.org/images/b/b8/HRCA-Policing-Briefing-Seth-Kornbau_Fin.pdf Recommendations to Align Pittsburgh’s Policing Practices with International Human Rights Law & Standards]''' Pitt student, Seth Kornbau, worked this summer to review Pittsburgh's policing policies and relate them to this analysis of international legal obligations. He prepared this brief to inform the Mayor's task force on police reform.
*'''Indigenous People's Day & Anti-racism work'''
:HRCA is an active member of the [https://pittsburghunited.org/housing/ '''Pittsburgh Housing Justice Table'''], a coalition of allied local organizations and independent advocates who believe that housing is a human right and that everyone should have access to the housing they need. Our Housing Rights Working Group supports the work of the Housing Justice Table through related events, education and advocacy efforts.  
: Student human rights leaders compiled the following [http://wiki.pghrights.mayfirst.org/index.php?title=Indigenous_Peoples_Day_in_Pittsburgh list of films, podcasts, and short articles and reports] to inspire learning that acknowledges past harms and furthers a process of truth-telling and racial healing. [https://pitt.box.com/s/zr5zvj5gu66vfm3xillufevqhxfercnq Recording: '''Community Dialogue: Indigenous Peoples Day: Deconstructing white supremacy and celebrating Indigenous Peoples' history'''] [http://wiki.pghrights.mayfirst.org/index.php?title=Indigenous_Peoples_Day_in_Pittsburgh More Resources on Indigenous peoples and human rights]
==Past & Ongoing Projects==
:Through community engagement and conversations with Housing Justice Table coalition partners, HRCA developed '''[http://wiki.pghrights.mayfirst.org/images/d/de/Human_Rights_Housing_Strategy_and_Action_Plan_Discussion_Draft_April_2023.pdf A Human Rights-based Housing Strategy and Action Plan for Pittsburgh, PA]''' which serves as a guiding document for our housing advocacy. We want our goals and strategy to reflect the needs and perspectives of our community, which is why we invite residents to review the document and share input with us so that we can strengthen it. Send your comments to hrca@theglobalswitchboard.org or join us for our next working group meeting!
*[http://wiki.pghrights.mayfirst.org/images/b/bc/Annual_Report_2019.pdf See our latest '''Annual Report''' 2019]
*[http://wiki.pghrights.mayfirst.org/index.php?title=UPR_Pittsburgh Pittsburgh joins national human rights review at the United Nations]
*World Human Rights Day, December 10, 2019: [http://wiki.pghrights.mayfirst.org/images/f/f2/Human_Rights_Day_2019_Media_advisory.pdf '''Media Advisory: Pittsburgh joins other cities recognizing International Human Rights Day & highlights persistent challenge of racial inequities''']
'''[http://wiki.pghrights.mayfirst.org/images/f/f7/HRCA_Statement_ARPA_Funds_City_Council_July_2021.pdf Statement to City Council]: Human Rights City Alliance backs community organizations calling for pause in vote on ARP funds''': ''Our message to Council reminds them of past commitments and priorities that must be addressed in ARP allocations while calling for transparent and democratic process for deciding how funds will be used.''  
:You can learn more about the history behind our research and strategy conversations by reviewing our resource page, [http://wiki.pghrights.mayfirst.org/index.php?title=Pittsburgh_Human_Rights_Housing_Strategy '''Building Pittsburgh's Human Rights Housing Strategy''']
:[https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdnYRgc60tsPkcYyP2jwcvx91GFuJBnmQUneKC8ZHyHZgcWkQ/viewform Sign the petition for a more transparent, accountable, and democratic process for allocating public resources].
*[http://wiki.pghrights.mayfirst.org/images/6/6e/HRCA_City_Council_Fair_Housing_Proclamation_Support_April_20_2021.pdf Human Rights City Alliance statement supporting City Council Fair Housing Proclamation (April 20, 2021)]<br />
[[Steel City Cooperative Housing]] Initiative
<div style="text-align: left">
'''Relevant Events & Actions'''
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:*(April 4-7, 2022), '''Leilani Farha, the former [https://www.ohchr.org/en/issues/housing/pages/housingindex.aspx UN Special Rapporteur on the Human Right to Adequate Housing], visits Pittsburgh.''' Check out our [http://wiki.pghrights.mayfirst.org/images/b/b6/Farha_visit_follow_up_recap.pdf visit summary] highlighting insights and recommendations from our discussions with Ms. Farha, who now leads global housing rights organization, [https://make-the-shift.org/ The Shift]. Here you’ll also find helpful links to learning resources and legal tools to help us advance housing as a human right. [http://wiki.pghrights.mayfirst.org/images/b/b6/Farha_visit_follow_up_recap.pdf (Download report PDF)]
'''[[Learning from COVID-19:Shaping a Health and Human Rights Agenda for our Region]]'''<br>
We can’t return to status quo if we are to prevent the multiple breakdowns and failures we’re now seeing with COVID-19. Resilience and long-term, community well-being requires dramatic improvements to public infrastructure and support for housing, food, & health security. We're working with diverse groups in the community to host this forum series and build a strong people’s movement to help us realize a society that prioritizes equity and the human right to health, so that every member of our community can live dignified lives. [http://wiki.pghrights.mayfirst.org/index.php?title=Learning_from_COVID-19:Shaping_a_Health_and_Human_Rights_Agenda_for_our_Region  Click here for details, recordings and summaries of past discussions]
*[http://wiki.pghrights.mayfirst.org/index.php?title=Learning_from_COVID-19:Shaping_a_Health_and_Human_Rights_Agenda_for_our_Region See recordings and resources]
*'''Housing, Health and Human Rights''':  '''''January 24-Feb. 6: Housing is Healthcare! Let's Demand the Human Right to Housing!''''': ''[https://www.pushthefilm.com/ Push]'' 
::*Watch the film online: January 24-February 6. [https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSf6tsjJJ8J6TBHe-y71CssyLWtKo6YoAHlloYS66mn3S8GTSw/viewform Sign up here to receive a link to view Push] [http://wiki.pghrights.mayfirst.org/images/2/25/Push_Film_Flyer_Feb_1_2021.pdf (Download flier)]
::*'''Advancing the Human Right to Housing in our Cities''' Multi-city dialogue with organizers from Pittsburgh, Atlanta, and New York- [https://pitt.hosted.panopto.com/Panopto/Pages/Viewer.aspx?id=10457780-58e5-4feb-85ba-acc3001a5588 '''View recording here''']
:Co-Sponsors: ''Pittsburgh Human Rights City Alliance, Atlanta Housing Justice League, Organization for Human Rights & Democracy, University of Pittsburgh Global Studies Center & Urban Studies Program, Student Human Rights Task Force- Pitt & The New School (NYC) Collaboration.'' 
:Further background and recordings at:[http://wiki.pghrights.mayfirst.org/index.php?title=Zero_Evictions_Days_2020 Zero Evictions Days Resource page and webinar recordings] Featuring dialogues with Leilani Farha, former UN Special Rapporteur on the Human Right to Adequate Housing.)
<big>'''Pittsburgh Human Rights City Alliance Steering Committee Members named to Mayor’s [https://pittsburghpa.gov/press-releases/press-releases/4064 Community Task Force on Police Reform]'''</big>
Community leaders '''Brandi Fisher''', President and CEO of the Alliance for Police Accountability and '''Monica Ruiz''', Executive Director of Casa San Jose, have been tasked with helping our city develop a plan to review existing policing practices and policies and make recommendations. Here is the outline of the [https://pittsburghpa.gov/press-releases/press-releases/4016 City’s Agenda for Police Reform].
:*[http://wiki.pghrights.mayfirst.org/images/5/5a/Brandi_Fisher_Monica_Ruiz_Task_Force_Police_Reform.pdf See our letter of support from Pittsburgh Human Rights City Alliance]
=Bringing Human Rights Home=
<big>'''Racial Equity & Justice'''</big><br>
</big>*'''[[UPR Pittsburgh]] Bringing Global Human Rights Home: Pittsburgh's Human Rights Assessment & the United Nations'''</big>
Together with human rights defenders around the country, Pittsburgh residents are working to bring the stories and accounts of human rights conditions in our region to the United Nations through the Universal Periodic Review (UPR) process. Over 2019-2020, the United States human rights record will be reviewed by international representatives and human rights experts, and the UN will issue a formal report with recommendations to the US government for improving respect for the country's international human rights obligations. A key to the UPR's effectiveness is engagement from civil society, and we're working to provide opportunities for residents to learn about human rights and the UPR process as we generate ideas for how we can make Pittsburgh and Southwest PA places where human rights thrive.
*For more details see [http://wiki.humanrightscities.mayfirst.org/index.php?title=UPR_Cities_Project UPR Cities Project]
:HRCA is active as part of a broad coalition of community members and organizations committed to ending and redressing long-standing racial inequalities, inequities, and discrimination in the Pittsburgh region and beyond, recognizing that [https://migrationnetwork.un.org/statements/freedom-racial-discrimination-right-not-privilege Freedom from Racial Discrimination is a Right, Not a Privilege].  
'''Pittsburgh Activists File Report to UN on State of Human Rights in Region'''
*[http://wiki.pghrights.mayfirst.org/images/8/85/UPR_Pittsburgh_Stakeholder_Report_With_Exec_Summary.pdf Racial Inequity at the Core of Human Rights Challenges in Pittsburgh] -Full Pittsburgh Stakeholder Report to United Nations Universal Periodic Review of the U.S. Government, [http://wiki.pghrights.mayfirst.org/images/5/54/Media_Release_UPR_Pittsburgh_2019.pdf 2-Page Summary]
*[http://wiki.humanrightscities.mayfirst.org/images/4/49/UPR_US_Cities_Stakeholder_Report_2019_Final_Submission_with_summary.pdf Pittsburgh joins other US Cities in UN Report: ''"Corporate Influence Threatens Human Rights in Communities Nationwide"''] (''*For more details on the national campaign see [http://wiki.humanrightscities.mayfirst.org/index.php?title=UPR_Cities_Project UPR Cities Initiative]).''
**See more details at: [[UPR Pittsburgh]]
</Big>'''[http://wiki.pghrights.mayfirst.org/images/8/8d/Zero_Evictions_Proclamation_Final_October_2019.pdf Pittsburgh City Council Passes Zero Evictions Proclamation in Solidarity with Global Movement for Housing Justice]</big>
:This work includes raising awareness of the U.S. government's ''legal obligation'' to address racial discrimination under international law. For example, the U.S. ratified the [https://www.ohchr.org/en/instruments-mechanisms/instruments/international-convention-elimination-all-forms-racial International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination (CERD)] in 1994 and has thus legally agreed to comply with and implement its requirements.
'''Recent events & actions:'''<br>
=='''Housing Justice'''==
:* (November 2023) HRCA members prepared an '''[http://wiki.pghrights.mayfirst.org/images/c/ce/EMLER_2023_Report_Executive_Summary_%281%29_%28002%29.pdf Executive Summary of the UN Expert Mechanism's Report on Racial Discrimination in Law Enforcement]''' for local elected officials to raise awareness of the UN's investigation, conclusions, and recommendations following its U.S. Country Visit in April & May 2023.
*'''[http://wiki.humanrightscities.mayfirst.org/index.php?title=Housing_is_a_Human_Right! Housing is a Human Right-Letter to Officials]''' The UN Special Rapporteur on the Right to Adequate Housing, Leilani Farha, recently directed letters to governments and corporate leaders around the world, pointing out how prevailing policies violate international human rights obligations. This page has details and a template for contacting your local leaders to remind them of their international legal obligations.
*'''[[Housing Justice Pittsburgh]]''' Building community power to fight displacement and promote our "Right to the City."
*[http://housingsummitpgh.org/ Housing Summit 2018] Area organizations are working together to build a broad alliance for affordable housing in our region. Mark your calendars for our '''November 10, 2018 Housing Summit''', and watch for a series of events and activities aimed to develop new strategies for addressing Pittsburgh's housing crisis.
*[[:file:Housing_as_a_Human_Right.pdf|Housing is a Human Right: Slideshow]]''' on international treaties and opportunities to promote the [[:file:Housing_as_a_Human_Right.pdf|human right to housing]]<br /> <span style="display: block; text-align: center"><br /> </span>
*[[Forums on Amazon HQ2 and the Right to the City|Forged for All? the Amazon HQ2 Debate & the Future of Pittsburgh]]
:*(October 2023) HRCA organized a panel discussion of UN recommendations to end racially discriminatory policing and uphold human rights in the context of law enforcement. ''Event Panelists:'' Brandi Fisher (Alliance for Police Accountability), Tanisha Long (Abolitionist Law Center), Muhammad Ali Nasir (MAN-E) (1Hood Media), Laura Perkins (Casa San Jose). Read the UN reports: '''[https://www.ohchr.org/en/documents/country-reports/ahrc54crp7-international-independent-expert-mechanism-advance-racial U.S. Country Visit 2023]''' & '''[https://www.ohchr.org/en/documents/thematic-reports/ahrc5469-promotion-and-protection-human-rights-and-fundamental-freedoms Reimagining Policing 2023]'''. Event recording: '''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mln3pO5otIg UN Report Condemns Racial Discrimination in U.S. Law Enforcement: How does this relate to Southwest PA?]'''
Learn more about how Amazon's bid to move to Pittsburgh would affect human rights here. Resources, data, and recordings of community forums.  
*View '''community forums''' on the question of how an Amazon HQ2 would impact us:
**'''"[https://www.facebook.com/publicsource/videos/1888885241131365/ Pittsburgh's Economic Revitalization: Technology, Corporate Power, and Democratic Accountability" ]
**''''''[https://na01.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.facebook.com%2Fplugins%2Fvideo.php%3Fhref%3Dhttps%253A%252F%252Fwww.facebook.com%252Fpublicsource%252Fvideos%252F1832226540130569%252F%26show_text%3D1%26width%3D560&data=01%7C01%7Cjgsmith%40pitt.edu%7C285d692e67d74ca6d38808d570e484ff%7C32794bf9854a4224a8c3408a105aeea1%7C1&sdata=K3KoWuvRO13YbyHrmYJ7bCXvakY2hWVRmgHffx%2BbrPI%3D&reserved=0 Human Rights, the Right to the City, and Amazon HQ2: Forged for all?]'''  
:*(April 2023) HRCA joined the Alliance for Police Accountability and other advocates in submitting a report on policing and racial discrimination in Pittsburgh and Allegheny County to the UN's [https://www.ohchr.org/en/hrc-subsidiaries/expert-mechanism-racial-justice-law-enforcement International Independent Expert Mechanism to Advance Racial Justice and Equality in the context of Law Enforcement] (EMLER) ahead of its visit to the US from April 24 to May 5, 2023. (Full report: '''[http://wiki.pghrights.mayfirst.org/images/e/ec/PGH_Report_on_Policing_to_UN_2023_BEST.pdf Treatment of People of African Descent by Law Enforcement Agencies in Pittsburgh and Allegheny County]''', Press release: '''[http://wiki.pghrights.mayfirst.org/images/0/0e/Press_Release_Pittsburgh_EMLER_Submission_2023.pdf Local Advocates File Report on Police Discrimination in Allegheny County to UN Fact-Finding Body on Law Enforcement and Racial Justice]''')
===[http://wiki.humanrightscities.mayfirst.org/index.php?title=International_Human_Rights_Monitoring International Human Rights Monitoring]===
:*(November 2022) HRCA assisted to facilitate a listening session with Justin Hansford, Professor of Law at Howard University School of Law and an elected founding member of the [https://www.ohchr.org/en/permanent-forum-people-african-descent UN Permanent Forum on People of African Descent]. For more details, review our summary [http://wiki.pghrights.mayfirst.org/images/d/de/Summary_document_of_Taking_Back_Our_Human_Rights_Event_EDITED.pdf '''Taking Back Our Human Rights: Black Pittsburgh's Appeal to the World'''] and our '''[http://wiki.pghrights.mayfirst.org/index.php?title=Taking_Back_our_Human_Rights!_Building_a_Black_Regional_Agenda_for_Justice background page]''' for the event.
This page links to work by national and international human rights organizers to use international treaties and United Nations human rights review processes to hold local and national officials in the United States accountable to our international human rights obligations.
:*(July 2022) HRCA prepared and submitted a Shadow Report to the United Nations CERD Committee (Full report: '''[https://tbinternet.ohchr.org/_layouts/15/treatybodyexternal/Download.aspx?symbolno=INT%2fCERD%2fNGO%2fUSA%2f49212&Lang=en Racial Discrimination & Equity in the United States: Evidence from Pittsburgh]''', Summary report: [http://wiki.pghrights.mayfirst.org/images/4/44/CERD_Pittsburgh_2_Page_Summary_2022.pdf '''Summary Document'''])
===News & Updates===
<big>'''Creating a Human Rights City'''</big><br>
*'''UN Official Confronts Governments and Corporations on Housing Rights''': Recently, the [https://www.ohchr.org/EN/Issues/Housing/Pages/HousingIndex.aspx UN Special Rapporteur on the Right to Adequate Housing], Leilani Farha held a press conference in Copenhagen to speak about letters released (see links below) to governments and corporations around the world including the United States and the Blackstone Group L.P. Ms. Farha spoke out directly against policies and laws which support housing as a commodity. In the letters to various governments, Ms. Farha stated that these policies and laws contradict governments’ international human rights obligations. Letters: [[:File:March_2019_Housing_UN_Rapp_USLetter_Financialization.pdf|UN Special Rapporteur Letter to US Government On Housing Policies as Human Rights Violations]], [https://www.ohchr.org/Documents/Issues/Housing/Financialization/OL_OTH_17_2019.pdf Letter to Blackstone Investment Corporation], [https://www.ohchr.org/Documents/Issues/Housing/Financialization/Reply_OL_OTH_17_2019.pdf Blackstone's response]. '''Campaign links''' [http://www.unhousingrapp.org/the-shift #MaketheShift] '''#HousingisaHumanRight'''!
**'''We're working to get this message to Mayor Peduto and other public officials''': If your organization wants to sign this [[:file:Cover_Letter_PGH_Special_Rap_Letter_on_Housing_and_Human_Rigths_March_2019.pdf|*letter to public officials*]] please contact us at pghrights[at]riseup[dot]net or via Facebook PGHrights.  For more details see '''[http://wiki.humanrightscities.mayfirst.org/index.php?title=Housing_is_a_Human_Right! Housing is a Human Right!]'''
*'''Pittsburgh’s [http://pittsburghunited.org/ourwater/ Our Water Campaign] goes Global:''' The current issue of the Open Access [http://jwsr.pitt.edu/ojs/index.php/jwsr ''Journal of World-Systems Research''] features a symposium on the problem of corporate power and its implications for local democracy. This project was inspired by the recent inter-city competition to host the Amazon 2nd headquarters. See: [http://jwsr.pitt.edu/ojs/index.php/jwsr/article/view/899 "Water is a Human Right! Grassroots Resistance to Corporate Power!"] (by local water activist Caitlin Schroering).  
:In 2011, the City of Pittsburgh issued a [http://wiki.pghrights.mayfirst.org/images/6/6e/Pittsburgh_Human_Rights_City_Resolution.pdf Proclamation] declaring Pittsburgh the 5th Human Rights City in the U.S.. While this represents a step in the right direction, much work remains to strengthen and actually realize the City's commitment and to create a City in which everyone can thrive. We’re drawing from examples in other cities such as Atlanta to bring stronger human rights commitments along with processes for monitoring and setting targets for advancing equity and protecting the rights of all residents.  
*[http://pgh4cedaw.org/the-ngo-committee-on-the-status-of-women-new-york-is-proud-to-announce-mayor-william-peduto-2019-recipient-cities-for-cedaw-global-leadership-award/ '''Pittsburgh for CEDAW Coalition helps bring Pittsburgh Human Rights Recognition'''] In March 2019, the NGO Committee on the Status of Women/New York awarded Mayor Peduto the '''Cities for CEDAW Global Leadership Award''' for his work to implement sustaining policies which eliminate all forms of discrimination against women at the local level. This award would not have been possible without all the hard work of [http://pgh4cedaw.org/ PGH for CEDAW Coalition] members to push for the CEDAW ordinance and to design policy recommendations that would ensure its effective implementation.
'''Relevant Events & Actions'''
*[[:file:Housing_Justice_Meeting_Summary_March_2019.pdf|Summary of lessons from Housing Justice Movement-Building work 2016-2019]] This document provides a synthesis of ideas from conversations about how to advance the human right to housing and challenge market-oriented policies that continue to displace residents. ‎
:*(December 10 2024) '''International Human Rights Day Press Conference & Proclamation'''. The Human Rights City Alliance assisted in bringing together City leaders, residents, and community groups to commemorate the 76th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and to renew our shared commitment to using human rights as a path to building a just and equitable city in which everyone can thrive. The Mayor's office also issued and presented our proclamation recognizing Dec. 10 as International Human Rights Day in the City of Pittsburgh.
*''Print'' [[:file:Media_Print_coverage_of_Racial_Justice_Summit_2019.pdf|Media coverage of Racial Justice Summit]]- This report highlights our breakout session at the 2019 Summit, "Building an Intersectional Movement for Housing Justice"
*Pittsburgh City Council and Mayor Peduto [[:File:Human_Rights_Day_2018_Proclamation_for_Human_Rights_Final_Edit.pdf|re-affirm their commitment to human rights]] at the 70th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. ([[:file:Human_Rights_Day_2018_Press_Release_Final.pdf|See Press Release December 10]])
* '''[[:file:Annual_Report_2017.pdf|Annual Report 2017]]''' --See what we accomplished last year!
* '''[[National Human Rights Cities Alliance Workshop 2018, Washington DC]]'''
<br />
'''[http://wiki.pghrights.mayfirst.org/index.php?title=Human_Rights_Budgeting_Resource_Page Human Rights Budgeting-Ideas and Resources for transforming how our city plans]''': This page shares links and background resources about how activists around the world are working to change the scripts of local politics to prioritize human rights over economic measures of progress. We believe that urban planning and development should be explicit in its attention to human rights and equity. More democratic budgeting processes are key to making this happen, and that means we all need to learn more about how city budgeting works and how it could be re-organized to engage more of the people who live in our region.
'''Relevant Documents'''<br>
*[https://pittsburgh.legistar.com/LegislationDetail.aspx?ID=874003&GUID=EB31A893-F2F4-41DC-94FB-DAF1CB2DB0A2&Options=&Search= 2011 City Council Proclamation] declaring Pittsburgh a "HUMAN RIGHTS CITY."
*[http://wiki.pghrights.mayfirst.org/images/5/50/International_Human_Rights_Day_Proclamation_%28Mayor%27s_Office%29.jpeg 2024 Proclamation by Mayor Ed Gainey] recognizing December 10 as International Human Rights Day and "affirm[ing] the City's commitment to respect, protect, and fulfill human rights and promote a culture of human rights in our City."
*[http://wiki.pghrights.mayfirst.org/images/5/5b/Draft_Resolution_Pittsburgh_2023_HR_City_Update_Discussion_ver.pdf Draft Resolution to Renew and Update Pittsburgh’s Human Rights City Status]
*[http://wiki.pghrights.mayfirst.org/images/3/31/Gainey_Transition_Report_Response_Final.pdf Bringing a Human Rights Perspective to Mayor Gainey’s Transition Report 2022]
*[http://wiki.pghrights.mayfirst.org/images/7/7c/Human_Rights_Day_2021_Gainey_Letter.pdf Message to Mayor-Elect Gainey on International Human Rights Day 2021] (Dec. 10)
=='''Past Actions:'''</span><br /> ==
:*[http://wiki.pghrights.mayfirst.org/images/d/d0/Pittsburgh_Press_release.pdf Pittsburgh Delegation Attends Human Rights Cities Leadership Summit in Atlanta, May 2023] - As part of our work with human rights cities and human rights advocates around the country and around the world, we brought a team of more than two dozen Pittsburgh activists, youth, and policy experts to Atlanta to learn, share, and network.
* <span style="font-family: Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif">[https://actionnetwork.org/petitions/stop-secret-corporate-giveaways?source=direct_link Stop Corporate Givaways--Sign the petition ]to city for transparency and accountability in deal offered to Amazon for its 2nd headquarters.</span>
* '''[https://www.facebook.com/events/1498208200258725/?acontext=%7B%22ref%22%3A%223%22%2C%22ref_newsfeed_story_type%22%3A%22regular%22%2C%22feed_story_type%22%3A%22361%22%2C%22action_history%22%3A%22null%22%7D  Stop Plan to Increase Policing on Public Transit]'''
*'''[http://wiki.pghrights.mayfirst.org/images/1/1e/The_Case_for_Human_Rights-RJ_Summit_follow_up_2021.pdf The Case for Human Rights Today]''' (February 2021)<br />
'''International Human Rights Day 2020 Public/Media Statement:'''<br />
[http://wiki.pghrights.mayfirst.org/images/7/71/Human_Rights_Day_2020_Public_Media_Advisory_Final.pdf '''''Pittsburgh Joins Global Efforts to Target Systemic Racism, Bring Human Rights Home '''''] [http://wiki.pghrights.mayfirst.org/images/e/eb/Human_Rights_Day_2021_General_Layout.pdf]</big>
* [[Communication Justice Initiative]]
<big>'''Human Rights Education & Outreach'''</big><br>
* [https://pghcommons.wikispaces.com/ Community Power Movement ]Among other work, the Community Power Movement is promoting a [https://pghcommons.wikispaces.com/People%27s%20Platform People's Platform ]and a petition campaign calling for greater transparency and community benefits in the City's bid to host the Amazon HQ2.
<br />
<br /> '''''Regularly scheduled meetings/ Local Human Rights Groups'''''<br />
:A key focus of HRCA is raising awareness among civil society and elected officials of the [https://www.ohchr.org/en/instruments-and-mechanisms international human rights framework], and how we can (and should) use this framework to advocate for, monitor, and uphold "people-centered human rights" at home. This work includes building a movement of human rights enforcers and educating elected and government officials about their obligations under [https://www.ohchr.org/en/instruments-and-mechanisms/international-human-rights-law international human rights laws].
*'''[http://click.actionnetwork.org/mpss/c/EwE/ni0YAA/t.2ju/MZ5FhIuJRE6M67H8FS-nNA/h9/HE2UYZIDTZxfLuJ8qHDFiKcv9QeqMGLDJ3IrF8dj2B0Ouaw60AzJFHptdkvL7obNLtnqgKKygqGEz3GCaeb-2BejuSAvFe0lbbqDJcgXFmWtC-2F4OP5qFbK1yfFG5UZArja2rUcMykgMb7gDAlR3CoVTHq6R-2FV3WJuza27KcDVxiFAlu29p38dyAwSXFqBiE3cOCcz9NcUAg0RigmMyBPSsscV4-2BQ50OH6U-2BkjQJd28KcGH1MVKcVF9PH8aO64hDVT8AP6b8SGbKGTAB5AMbdr6pQjaBb55-2BObu-2B7JHVkIiF2upX6rAikS6G9RBQnNgtSKqz-2BoAT7bD82SwYBAfhxnNjbaJ7k5a3JxIivx-2BEJkPkNo-3D| Landless People's Alliance Monthly Gathering]''', Wednesdays at 5:30-7:00PM --Sept. 26, Oct. 31, November 28 –Location: Postal Workers Headquarters 841 California Ave, Pittsburgh, PA 15202-2705
'''Relevant Documents'''<br>
** [http://apapgh.org/ Every first Wednesday of month: Alliance for Police Accountability ] 6:30-8:00PM Kingsley Association, 6435 Frankstown Ave. Pgh 15206 (Childcare and food provided)
** <span style="font-family: &#39;Times New Roman&#39;,serif; font-size: 16px">'''Every 3rd Thursday''' 7:00-8:30PM [http://pgh4cedaw.org/ Pittsburgh for CEDAW ](Convention on the Elimination of Discrimination Against Women) meeting, Friends Meeting House, 4836 Ellsworth Ave. Everyone is welcome.</span>
<br /> <br /> '''<u>Alerts & Updates</u>'''<br />  
* '''[https://www.facebook.com/events/1498208200258725/?acontext=%7B%22ref%22%3A%223%22%2C%22ref_newsfeed_story_type%22%3A%22regular%22%2C%22feed_story_type%22%3A%22361%22%2C%22action_history%22%3A%22null%22%7D Campaign to Stop Plan to Increase Policing on Public Transit]--''' This campaign led by the Alliance for Police Accountability, Casa San Jose, Pittsburghers for Public Transit, and the Thomas Merton Center warns that the Port Authority's planned fare enforcement policy will unfairly impact communities of color, increase the problematic trend of criminalizing young people, and threaten immigrant residents.The campaign is calling for civilian fare enforcers rather than armed Port Authority Police and a citation process rather than a criminal process to deal with fare evasion ([[:file:Policing_on_the_T_QA.pdf|See FAQs for more information]]). Community organizations and individuals are asked to write letters to the Port Authority in support of this campaign (see [[:file:POLICING_THE_T_PPT_and_others_letter_to_Port_Authority 4.28.17.pdf|sample letter]]).
:*[https://www.ohchr.org/en/universal-declaration-of-human-rights Universal Declaration of Human Rights]
* '''[http://www.post-gazette.com/news/education/2017/01/25/Pittsburgh-Public-Schools-declares-itself-sanctuary-campus/stories/201701250214 PIttsburgh Public Schools Passes Sanctuary Resolution]'''
:*[https://www.ohchr.org/en/what-are-human-rights/international-bill-human-rights International Bill of Human Rights]
* '''[http://www.pgh4cedaw.org Pittsburgh becomes 6th US City for CEDAW ]'''A broad coalition of human rights advocates helped advance a new ordinance enacting the Convention on the Elimination of Discrimination Against Women in our City, December 6, 2016. Stay involved in the work to carry out this commitment to better address needs of women and girls, families and communities in our city! <span style="color: #000000; font-family: &#39;Calibri&#39;,sans-serif; font-size: 14.6667px">[https://na01.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.pgh4cedaw.org&data=01%7C01%7Cjgsmith%40pitt.edu%7C01ee08d58eb34901cf2408d427ad5b47%7C9ef9f489e0a04eeb87cc3a526112fd0d%7C1&sdata=Oc3A4G1M0HM6yjFoRkFliRnFnqW45wfHbTtzsfz0kyc%3D&reserved=0 www.pgh4cedaw.org] </span>
<br /> '''University-Based Projects'''<br />
* '''''Pittsburgh area university'' faculty, staff, and graduate students''' are invited to join the [[University Human Rights Network|University Human Rights Network. ]]We invite volunteers from different campuses to help support work on your campus and coordinate with other campuses.
* [[Pitt Human Rights Initiative|Pitt Human Rights Initiative]]
[http://wiki.pghrights.mayfirst.org/index.php?title=Resources '''Link to more resources'''--toolkits, reports, and organizations supporting local human rights work]
* '''Campus worker organizing:''' Pitt faculty, graduate student workers, and other workers are organizing for their rights and to support and protect the right to education. Keep informed about the campaign on their [http://www.pittfaculty.org/ website] and [https://www.facebook.com/PittFaculty/ Facebook page]
<br />
==[[How to get involved]]==
* '''[https://lists.mayfirst.org/mailman/listinfo/pghrights Join the Human Rights City Alliance email list for updates on events & action opportunities]'''
''Please get in touch if you're interested in some of these ongoing projects or in efforts to follow-up some of these past initiatives. We are an all-volunteer group and are working to create spaces for residents to work together to envision and build a different kind of city and region. pghrights [at] riseup [dot] net.''<br />
* [[Housing Summit | Housing Summit-Resources & Links]]
* [[Teach-In|Uniting Against Hate: Immigrant Rights, Racial Justice and the U.S. Prison System]]
* [[:file:Annual_Report_2016.pdf|Annual report 2016--See what we accomplished last year!]]
* [http://www.un.org/en/events/africandescentdecade/ International Decade of People of African Descent 2015-2025--]''Recognition, Justice and Development''
* <span style="font-family: Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif">[http:///file/view/Discussion%20Guide%20Alexie%20Absolutely%20True%20Diary%20of%20Part%20Time%20Indian.pdf/618673381/Discussion%20Guide%20Alexie%20Absolutely%20True%20Diary%20of%20Part%20Time%20Indian.pdf Discussion Guide]</span>''to'' Sherman Alexie's [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Absolutely_True_Diary_of_a_Part-Time_Indian The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian] prepared for use around Indigenous Peoples Day 2017, but this resource can be used anytime to facilitate discussion and dialogue around themes of institutionalized racism, internalized oppression, and the historical and contemporary experiences of Indigenous communities and other communities of color in the United States.
<br />
* '''[[Teach-In|VOLUNTEERS NEEDED: Teach-In: Uniting Against Hate: ]]''''''''How the prison industrial complex impacts our communities & what we can do to change it:''''' ''A working group is organizing an event to raise consciousness on this critical human rights issue.''
<br /> <br /> '''NEW Research on Pittsburgh and Human Rights Organizing''':<br /> <span style="font-size: 16px">[https://brock.scholarsportal.info/journals/SSJ/article/view/1394 Responding to Globalization and Urban Conflict: Human Rights City Initiatives] ''Studies in Social Justice'' </span><br /> <br /> <u>'''Dangerous Times: Defending Human Rights'''</u><br /> ''<span style="font-family: &#39;Times New Roman&#39;,serif; font-size: 16px">Values are fragile. Because the values of human rights depend foremost on the ability to empathize with others”to recognize the importance of treating others the way we would want to be treated ”they are especially vulnerable to the demagogue's exclusionary appeal. '''A society's culture of respect for human rights needs regular tending''', lest the fears of the moment sweep away the wisdom that built democratic rule.</span>''<span style="font-family: &#39;Times New Roman&#39;,serif; font-size: 16px"> Human Rights Watch </span>'''<span style="font-family: &#39;Times New Roman&#39;,serif; font-size: 16px">[https://www.hrw.org/world-report/2017/country-chapters/dangerous-rise-of-populism "World Report 2017: Demagogues Threaten Human Rights-Trump, European Populists Foster Bigotry, Discrimination."]</span>'''<br />
* <span style="font-family: Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif">'''Truth-Telling for Reconciliation: Remembering Victims of Slavery & the Slave''' Trade-March 25th is the International [https://na01.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.un.org%2Fen%2Fevents%2Fslaveryremembranceday%2F&data=01%7C01%7Cjgsmith%40pitt.edu%7Ca8d5291136e246c4641a08d460c88bc7%7C9ef9f489e0a04eeb87cc3a526112fd0d%7C1&sdata=Fr%2B%2FHCQ%2BSqkdORWdmx8ACCPXPwwMxfdFHq2yw%2B8Hhf4%3D&reserved=0 Day of Remembrance of the Victims of Slavery and the Transatlantic Slave Trade]--Ideas: convene a group to discuss an article or book such as The Case for Reparations, by Ta-Nehisi Coates or Michael Dyson's [https://www.nytimes.com/2017/01/12/books/review/tears-we-cannot-stop-michael-eric-dyson.html Tears We Cannot Stop: A Sermon for White America]. UN initiatives to fight racism and xenophobia: [http://together.un.org/ Together] (respect, safety and dignity for refugees and migrants) [http://www.un.org/en/letsfightracism/ Let's Fight Racism]", and "[http://www.standup4humanrights.org/en/highlights.html Stand Up for Someone's Rights Today]," in addition to the [http://www.un.org/en/events/africandescentdecade/ International Decade for People of African Descent.]</span>
* '''[https://www.hrw.org/sites/default/files/hrw_world_report_etr_final.pdf Human Rights in Danger (]'''Youth and public education resource) Human Rights Watch 2017 Report [https://www.hrw.org/world-report/2017/country-chapters/dangerous-rise-of-populism The Dangerous Rise of PopulismGlobal Attacks on Human Rights Values]
* '''Local strategy working paper:''' [[:file:Moving_from_Shallow_to_Deep_Democracy_Strategy_Ideas.pdf|Moving from Shallow to Deep Democracy]]<br /> [http://www.hreusa.net/data/files/Human%20Rights%20Here%20and%20Now%20November%20issue.pdf Teaching Tolerance: Talking with kids and adults about human rights ]"Speak up for civility"--Human Rights Educators USA
* [http://www.truth-out.org/opinion/item/38443-countering-trump-let-s-build-a-people-powered-democracy-and-economy Building a society that works for all: ]This election showed the urgency of people's need for major changes in the basic structure of our economy and government policies. Neither presidential candidate offered that. There is a need to build grassroots movements for economic and social transformation rather than allowing elites to determine what kind of society we live in. "Politicians from both parties lionize the entrepreneur, casting poverty ...as an individual shortcoming, a narrative that erases ...the [http://www.nytimes.com/2005/08/28/books/review/when-affirmative-action-was-white-uncivil-rights.html?_r=0 structurally racist policies] that have continued to maintain [white privilege]."
* See examples of legislation passed in Human Rights Cities of [[:file:DC_Human_Rights_City_Resolution_Reaffirmation_11_19_2016.pdf|Washington DC]] and [[:file:Eugene_Inclusive_Community_Resolution_2016.pdf|Eugene Oregon's Inclusive Community Resolution]].
* '''Strategies for Improving Local Implementation of Human Rights'''--Lessons from around the World
<br /> <u>'''Defend Pittsburghers' Right to Stay in ''their'' City! Housing Justice'''</u><br /> [http://housingsummit.wikispaces.com/ **Affordable Housing Initiative:** **Pittsburgh Housing Summit** (Resources and links to recordings of plenary sessions) ]''"Don't evict Pittsburgh!" Housing is a human right!'' ''The essence of our city is people and communities--not buildings, businesses, and tourist attractions.''[http://homesforallpgh.org/ Homes for All Pittsburgh]<br /> <br /> '''''*The Human Rights City Alliance works to promote and support activities of all human rights advocates around the region. Please contact us about relevant events/activities to share: pghrigts [at] riseup.net .'''''<br /> <br />
=About the Human Rights City Alliance=
=Annual Reports=
*[http://wiki.pghrights.mayfirst.org/index.php?title=Steering_Committee Human Rights City Alliance Steering Committee]
*[http://wiki.pghrights.mayfirst.org/images/b/bc/Annual_Report_2019.pdf 2019 Annual Report]
* See the[[:file:Conference_summary_-General_Version_3_2.pdf| summary of our Human Rights Cities Conference,]] hosted at the University of Pittsburgh
* [[:file:Annual_Report_2017.pdf|2017 Annual Report]]
* [[:file:Annual_Report_2017.pdf|2017 Annual Report]]
* [[:file:Annual_Report_2016.pdf|2016 Annual Report]]: See what we've done in the past year as we look forward to strengthening Pittsburgh activism for human rights in the year ahead!
* [[:file:Annual_Report_2016.pdf|2016 Annual Report]]: See what we've done in the past year as we look forward to strengthening Pittsburgh activism for human rights in the year ahead!
* [[:file:Annual_Report_2015.pdf|2015 Annual Report]]
* [[:file:Annual_Report_2015.pdf|2015 Annual Report]]
* [[:file:Human_Rights_Day_2017_Press_Release_Final.pdf| International Human Rights Day 2017 Press Conference]] at the City County Building
=How to Get Involved=
*Official [[Reports to UN Human Rights Bodies]] (multiple years)
* '''<span style="font-size: 120%">[https://lists.mayfirst.org/mailman/listinfo/pghrights Sign up for our email list to learn about upcoming events]</span>'''
* '''Community Outreach:''' Please invite groups you work with to be part of the Human Rights City Alliance's work! Help us invite groups around our city to link their work with the vision of building a human rights city. [[:file:Outreach_letter_to_groups_March_2015.pdf|This letter is addressed to community leaders ]]and invites them to reflect on actions they can take "because we're a human rights city." [[:file:Congregation_letter_with_logo.pdf|This letter invites congregations/church leaders]] to lift up human rights concerns in their churches-particularly around December 10/Human Rights Day.
* Are you a faculty or staff member or graduate student at an area university? Join our Pittsburgh Area University Human Rights Network
* Share the word and help us carry out the [[Human Rights City Action Plan|Human Rights City Action Plan]]
[http://wiki.pghrights.mayfirst.org/index.php?title=Resources '''Link to more resources'''--toolkits, reports, and organizations supporting local human rights work]
'''People-Centered Human Rights: Analyses from Around the Nation and World'''
=Past Events & Actions=
*[https://laane.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/06/Unmasking-the-Hidden-Power-of-Cities.pdf “Unmasking the hidden power of cities”]. (LA-A New Economy for All LAANE, Partnership for Working Families, In the Public Interest) June 2018. 
*[[Past Actions & Events]]
*[[:file: Draft_Human_Rights_City_Principles_2017.pdf | Statement of Principles- National Human Rights City Alliance and People-Centered Human Rights]]
* <span style="display: block; font-family: Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif; text-align: left">[[:file:UDHR_PGHedition_FOR_RELEASE.pdf|Pittsburgh edition of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights]] (Booklet format--PDF)</span>
* <span style="font-size: 15.8px">[[Human Rights City Action Plan|Working Draft of An Action Plan ]]for building a Human Rights City ([[:file:Human_Rights_City_Action_Plan.pdf|PDF Version]])</span>
* [http://web.law.columbia.edu/sites/default/files/microsites/human-rights-institute/desk_reference.pdf Human Rights Recommendations to the United States: A Desk Reference for State and Local Human Rights Agencies]
* <span style="font-family: &#39;Times New Roman&#39;,serif; font-size: 16px">[http://web.law.columbia.edu/human-rights-institute/human-rights-us/state-and-local-implementation Resources for State and Local Human Rights Implementation]</span>
* <span style="font-family: &#39;Times New Roman&#39;,serif; font-size: 16px">'''Sanctuary Cities''': [http://www.northeastern.edu/law/academics/institutes/phrge/publications/boston-principles.html Boston Principles on the Economic, Social, and Cultural Rights of Noncitizens]</span>
* Pitt Students work with Homewood residents on new resource website: [https://iamhomewood.com/ I Am Homewood]''--this project reflects what can happen when we create networks among the various residents in our city. The Human Rights City Alliance helped bring creative and energetic folks together to enhance local knowledge and advance human rights advocacy work.''
* ''[https://skl.se/download/18.2625f9e6145ac763d07be224/1401096812446/Local_initiatives_to_counter_violence_SALAR.pdf Local Initiatives to Counter Violence-Promoting Political Extremism]--'' This document from the Swedish Association of Local and Regional Authorities was produced following violence at a 1995 white-supremacy concert organized by a growing right-wing movement. Examples of local initiatives can guide work in other communities to counter the exclusionary and hateful messages of such groups.
* '''[[:file:Housing_as_a_Human_Right.pdf|Housing is a Human Right: Slideshow]]''' on international treaties and opportunities to promote the [[:file:Housing_as_a_Human_Right.pdf|human right to housing]]
<br> [[OSHER Lifelong Learning Institute-Human Rights in Pittsburgh and Beyond, Resource Page]]
=Past events=
'''World Food Day 2015:''' [https://pitt.hosted.panopto.com/Panopto/Pages/Viewer.aspx?id=b28fcce4-a5a0-4796-9f2c-cc68316692fc Watch video recording of October 2015 panel on the Right to Food]<br />  International Workers Day March for Immigrant Rights '''2016''' '''[[:file:May_Day_March_HRCA_Statement.pdf|Statement of Unity and Solidarity ]]'''<br /> <br /> <br /> <span style="display: block; text-align: center"><span style="display: block; text-align: center">''<span style="font-family: &#39;Arial&#39;,&#39;sans-serif&#39;; font-size: 18.6667px">Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere.</span>'' <span style="display: block">--Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.</span></span></span><br /> <br /> <span style="display: block; text-align: center">'''<u><span style="font-family: &#39;Arial&#39;,&#39;sans-serif&#39;">Website: pghrights.org</span></u>''' <span style="color: #0000ff; font-family: &#39;Arial&#39;,&#39;sans-serif&#39;">Facebook: </span><span style="font-family: &#39;Arial&#39;,&#39;sans-serif&#39;">pghrights</span></span><br />
<br /> <span style="display: block; text-align: center">https://www.facebook.com/groups/pghrights/<br /> </span><span style="display: block; font-size: 130%; text-align: center">#pghrights</span><br /> <span style="color: #0000ff; display: block; font-family: Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif; font-size: 19.2px; text-align: center"><span style="color: #0b0b24; font-family: Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif; font-size: 19.2px">e-mail: pghrights [at] riseup.net</span></span><br /> <br /> <span style="font-size: 140%">[[:file:UDHR_PGHedition_FOR_RELEASE.pdf|Universal Declaration of Human Rights booklet with Pittsburgh's Human Rights City Proclamation]]</span><br />
[[:file:YWCA_Pledge_Stand_against_racism.pdf|YWCA Pledge Stand against racism]]<br />  
<br /> <br /> <br /> <span style="display: block; text-align: center"><span style="display: block; text-align: center">''<span style="font-family: &#39;Arial&#39;,&#39;sans-serif&#39;; font-size: 18.6667px">Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere.</span>'' <span style="display: block">--Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.</span>
* [[:file:YWCA_Pledge_Stand_against_racism.pdf|Download]]
* 245 KB
=All Pages=
=All Pages=
* [[Communication Justice Initiative]]
* [[Communication Justice Initiative]]

Revision as of 15:10, 27 January 2025

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Pittsburgh Human Rights City AllianceDignity & Justice for All of Us"Human rights don't trickle down...they RISE UP!"

Donate to support human rights!

About Us

Pittsburgh Human Rights City Alliance is a grassroots network of individuals and groups committed to advancing and protecting human rights for all people in our region. We work to create a culture of human rights by building and supporting broad coalitions advocating for human rights, fostering human rights learning, and promoting policies that help all people to live with dignity and justice.

We work to bring together diverse groups and individuals to encourage the realization of our City Council's 2011 Proclamation declaring Pittsburgh a "human rights city". We strive to foster a human rights culture that maximizes human rights and dignity for all people who live in our region. We help network leading community organizations and concerned residents to advance people-centered human rights in Pittsburgh.

Ways to Get Involved


Subscribe to our newsletterfor updates on events & action opportunities!
University Human Rights Working Group: Faculty members, staff and graduate students can subscribe here.
Follow us on Facebook and Instagram

Join a Working Group
--Working groups meet regularly to develop projects on specific issues. Everyone is welcome to attend & learn about local human rights issues and find ways to get involved! Current working groups include:

For more information, meeting times and links, please contact Maddy McGrady at madeline@theglobalswitchboard.org


Don't have time to volunteer? You can still support our work to bring human rights home by making a donation via our fiscal sponsor, The Global Switchboard. Simply select "Human Rights City Alliance" as the beneficiary.


  • Intercollegiate Student Housing Coalition Meeting, Wednesday, January 22, 2025, 6:00PM-7:30PM
As a follow up to our November student housing and tenant rights workshop, students across campuses are invited to convene for our first Intercollegiate Student Housing Coalition meeting. Learn how students can collaborate to advocate for housing as a human right as part of the Pittsburgh Housing Justice Table. For more information, contact madeline@theglobalswitchboard.org.
  • Housing Rights Working Group Meeting, Tuesday, January 28, 6:00-7:00PM on Zoom (Email madeline@theglobalswitchboard.org for the Zoom link)
All are welcome to get involved in planning the April Fair Housing Summit!
  • WEBINAR: How Cities Can Defend Human Rights in the Face of Mass Deportation, Wednesday, January 29, 2025, 3:00PM EST *Register Here
The incoming presidential administration has promised to begin mass deportations and other harsh immigration enforcement measures “on day one.” This webinar will help prepare us, as local officials, community leaders, and neighbors, to understand and respond effectively in defense of the human rights of non-citizens in our communities. The panelists will pay special attention to what those of us who are not lawyers, or who don’t have much experience with immigration policy, can do. The specter of detention camps, family separation, the militarization of the border, and the summary denial of persecution and torture claims is real and terrifying. But there are proven measures that we can take to blunt, challenge, and ultimately overturn such policies, and cities will play a critical role in this effort. The first step is to get informed and organized.
Panelists: Mary Meg McCarty, Executive Director, National Immigrant Justice Center; Bettina Rodriguez Schlegel, Chief of Staff, Acacia Center for Justice; Ev Meade, Director, Proceso Pacifico & Steering Committee Member, Human Rights Cities Alliance
  • Pittsburgh Fair Housing Summit, Saturday, April 5, 2025, 9:00AM - 3:30PM, University of Pittsburgh Frick Fine Arts Building
Pittsburgh area residents and others are invited to learn about what’s driving rising housing prices in our communities, how tenants can defend their rights and improve conditions, and how community activists and organizations and elected officials are working to bring new solutions to the deepening crisis of housing insecurity. Although housing is a human right protected under both national and international law, governments haven’t done enough to guarantee all people–especially the most vulnerable– a right to a safe and secure home. We believe that a better city is possible. Be part of the work to realize a city where everyone can enjoy safe, stable and affordable housing.
Keynote speaker: Tracy Rosenthal, co-founder, Los Angeles Tenants Union & co-author of Abolish Rent: How Tenants can end the Housing Crisis (Haymarket Books)
Co-sponsors: Pittsburgh Housing Justice Table, Pittsburgh Human Rights City Alliance, City of Pittsburgh Commission on Human Relations, The Global Switchboard

Recent Events & Actions

  • International Human Rights Day 2024 Our annual Human Rights Day press conference was successful, and we helped set the stage for city leaders from the Mayor’s office and Council to speak to the importance of our shared work to defend human rights in our city. The Human Rights City Alliance was presented with a Proclamation from the Mayor’s office reinforcing the City’s commitment to "respect, protect and fulfill human rights and to promote a culture of human rights in our city."

Current Work

The Human Rights City Alliance helps build alliances among individuals and groups in our area supporting human rights for all. We support local engagement in national and international human rights advocacy, and participate in UN human rights reviews of U.S. policies.

Universal Periodic Review 2025

We are currently involved in the United Nations Universal Periodic Review of the U.S. government and will be hosting a series of related community forums. See our Reports to UN Human Rights Bodies, submitted as part of the global work to improve compliance with international human rights law.

Working Groups Our current working groups focus on the following issue areas, and they are shaped by efforts of volunteers like you!

Housing Rights & Justice

HRCA is an active member of the Pittsburgh Housing Justice Table, a coalition of allied local organizations and independent advocates who believe that housing is a human right and that everyone should have access to the housing they need. Our Housing Rights Working Group supports the work of the Housing Justice Table through related events, education and advocacy efforts.
Through community engagement and conversations with Housing Justice Table coalition partners, HRCA developed A Human Rights-based Housing Strategy and Action Plan for Pittsburgh, PA which serves as a guiding document for our housing advocacy. We want our goals and strategy to reflect the needs and perspectives of our community, which is why we invite residents to review the document and share input with us so that we can strengthen it. Send your comments to hrca@theglobalswitchboard.org or join us for our next working group meeting!
You can learn more about the history behind our research and strategy conversations by reviewing our resource page, Building Pittsburgh's Human Rights Housing Strategy

Steel City Cooperative Housing Initiative

Relevant Events & Actions

Racial Equity & Justice

HRCA is active as part of a broad coalition of community members and organizations committed to ending and redressing long-standing racial inequalities, inequities, and discrimination in the Pittsburgh region and beyond, recognizing that Freedom from Racial Discrimination is a Right, Not a Privilege.
This work includes raising awareness of the U.S. government's legal obligation to address racial discrimination under international law. For example, the U.S. ratified the International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination (CERD) in 1994 and has thus legally agreed to comply with and implement its requirements.

Recent events & actions:

Creating a Human Rights City

In 2011, the City of Pittsburgh issued a Proclamation declaring Pittsburgh the 5th Human Rights City in the U.S.. While this represents a step in the right direction, much work remains to strengthen and actually realize the City's commitment and to create a City in which everyone can thrive. We’re drawing from examples in other cities such as Atlanta to bring stronger human rights commitments along with processes for monitoring and setting targets for advancing equity and protecting the rights of all residents.

Relevant Events & Actions

  • (December 10 2024) International Human Rights Day Press Conference & Proclamation. The Human Rights City Alliance assisted in bringing together City leaders, residents, and community groups to commemorate the 76th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and to renew our shared commitment to using human rights as a path to building a just and equitable city in which everyone can thrive. The Mayor's office also issued and presented our proclamation recognizing Dec. 10 as International Human Rights Day in the City of Pittsburgh.

Relevant Documents

Human Rights Education & Outreach

A key focus of HRCA is raising awareness among civil society and elected officials of the international human rights framework, and how we can (and should) use this framework to advocate for, monitor, and uphold "people-centered human rights" at home. This work includes building a movement of human rights enforcers and educating elected and government officials about their obligations under international human rights laws.

Relevant Documents


Link to more resources--toolkits, reports, and organizations supporting local human rights work

Annual Reports

Past Events & Actions


Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere. --Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

All Pages